About Us

Empowering writers with a robust Slate.js editor, Markdown support, and seamless table integration tools


Welcome to WriteDaily, your haven for creative expression and immersive writing experiences. Whether you're a seasoned author with a treasure trove of stories or an aspiring writer taking your first steps, our platform is meticulously crafted to elevate your daily writing ritual.

Immerse yourself in the power of words with our robust Slate.js-based editor, offering unparalleled flexibility and Markdown support. From crafting intricate narratives to seamlessly integrating images, links, and code blocks, WriteDaily empowers you to bring your ideas to life effortlessly.

Join a thriving community of writers, where inspiration flows freely, and collaboration is woven into the fabric of every keystroke. Transform your writing journey into a joyous exploration of imagination and creativity. WriteDaily: Where every word finds its home.

What make us different from other blogging plateforms?

  • Powerful Slate.js based editor.
  • Markdown support.
  • Insert images, links, and code blocks
  • Create and manage lists effortlessly
  • Manage todo list directly in the editor.
  • Intuitive interface for a smooth writing experience
  • Add tables
  • Marks are supported e.g Bold, Underline, Italic,Color highlight , superscript , subscript and many more.
  • Manage your editor histroy by Undo and Redo with shortcuts.